CyberSecurity Enthusiasts Group.

A group of 12 highly motivated students urged MozillaNirma to have an initiative in the field of CyberSecurity.
So with heavy consultations with the MozillaGujarat Community leaders, we initiated the group, focusing on 2nd year students. With registrations of 73 students, heavy consultations and interviews, 31 students were selected and we started the program.

Session 1 was taken by Sumit Rajput, on Ethical Hacking and briefed us about various technologies and aspects in Cybersecurity.
Discussion Panel 1. Students gathered together in groups to discuss
Man In the Middle Attack
Session 2 was taken again by Sumit Rajput, where he made us familiar with viruses and password protection.

Web Literacy Program.

Members of MozillaNirma will be undertaking a mammoth task to literate and educate people in Ahmedabad and around the Internet and pseudo Internet Services. This is our first flagship event!

Number of participants. 65.
Number of teams thus formed. 6(5 with 11 members, 1 with 10).

Places visited.
Hiramani Old Age Home
Manav Charitra Charitable Trust
JeevanSandhya Old Age Home
Senior Citizen Association of Ahmedabad.
Students also created curriculum for the day of teaching.

Mozilla Nirma Inauguration.

13th Feb 2017 marked the beginning of an odyssey, Mozilla Nirma was officially launched today in the esteemed presence of Mr. Moin Shaikh, our Mozilla Guru, Prof. Swati Jain, Faculty in Charge, Mr Ritesh Ambastha, VP Engineering, Nail Biters.

The audience consisted of 374 students, from 2nd and 3rd year CE,IT.

Prof. Swati Jain shared her experiences in the world of open source and how she has been inculcating the OSS into her curriculum for students. Moin Shaikh sir gave the students a flavor of what lies ahead in the Mozilla Community and how to contribute and be a part of it. Mr. Ritesh Ambastha detailed the students about the various projects he has done in open source, and addressed to the student’s queries regarding project teams, and the OSS.

Today, i,Jayneel Vora, Club Captain,MozillaNirma stand here with a never ending stream of ideas for the club for the tenure of my captaincy. Hail Mozilla!